Archive for December, 2013

2nd Sunday of Advent – 8th Dec 2013

December 26, 2013

JIDO Christmas celebration this year was on the 8th of December 2013.   As we prepare for advent, the theme of this week is being open to change.  In the readings,  St John the Baptist was a portrayed as a man of passion and conviction.  He was not afraid to speak the truth. Unfortunately, speaking the truth and popularity don’t always go hand in hand and John paid the price for standing up for the truth.

As we prepare for the coming of Christ, the most important thing we have to carry is that hope and joy.  John Baptist asked us in the readings how we will prepared we are and  how to overcome the obstacles within us as Christians.  In the second reading, St Paul talks about the scriptures and what it means.

Today we learnt that Nelson Mandela passed away and in his life, he showed us how to forgive, be tolerance beyond human imagination.  We should learn from him as he transformed and touched a lot of people.  Let’s see how we can learn from the scriptures and related to the message.